Kontaktieren Sie uns: +49 (0)7131 6212-0
3rd gen coolers

The SX cryocooler-series is our latest product family targeting HOT, 3rd Gen IR and industrial applications:

The SX030 combines smallest outline dimensions with outstanding specific performance and provides high reliability exceeding lifetimes of 30,000h being ideal for 24/7 operation. The compactness and cooling power meets the demand for lightweight high performance IR-technology.

The SX030 provides a cooling capacity of more than 0.6W@140K. Typical power consumption for HOT IDCAs is less than 3W@140K. The SX030 can be used with AIM‘s digital cooler electronics (μDCE025, μDCE050) or alternatively with customers‘ electronics. This cooler can be used with different regenerator diameters allowing integration into standard rotary dewar bores.


    • Very compact & lightweight
    • Outstanding specific performance
    • High MTTF (>30,000h)
    • Cooling capacity of 0.6W (@ 140K; 23°C)
    • Modular Cooler Concept - Several coldfinger options available
    • Ideal cooler for HOT IR-detectors
    • Very low vibration output
    • Inaudible
    +49 (0)7131 6212-0
    AIM Infrarot-Module GmbH
    Theresienstraße 2 | 74072 Heilbronn